
Pocko is proud to announce TACTILITY, a group show of contemporary fashion illustration from around the world.

Fashion illustration never dies. In fact, despite the digital age, it continues to thrive. The digital is often asserted as the death of print media, but on the contrary TACTILITY aims to show that digital mediums like Instagram are being utilised by contemporary artists to represent their analogue, tactile images to a wider audience than ever before.

Fashion illustration can take fashion out of the context of the runway show and high street interior, often placing the garments and its wearer in mundane, even absurd everyday situations and scenes.

In an age of instant gratification, fashion illustration is becoming an essential point of contact between everyday life and haute couture craft, giving the images and the fashion they depict instant longevity.

Showing the image’s journey from artist’s brush to touch-screen, TACTILITY proves that it is a medium not past it’s printed golden age, but of increasing relevance in our world of instant access and gratification.

Opening 06 October: Facebook event

Duration: 06 October – 28 November 2016


High Maintenance, Low Intelligence

