For the second year running, Pocko teamed up with renowned French illustrator Vincent Mahé and Parisian animation studio Parallel Studio to create Rimowa’s 2024 holiday campaign. The result is a series of animated films that reimagine meaningful gifting moments as extraordinary journeys ahead.
For season two, Rimowa re-combined Vincent’s refined, elegant style with Parallel Studio’s seamless animation. Pocko worked alongside Anomaly London to produce three 10-second hero films that capture the essence of gifting and the excitement of embarking on a new journey.
Each film celebrates a special occasion when gifting a Rimowa suitcase feels truly memorable: A New Job, Birthday, and Christmas. Vincent’s narrative-driven illustrations, with their clean lines and timeless charm, bring a unique warmth and sophistication to each story, making them both distinctive and emotive.
The Birthday film follows a boyfriend surprising his girlfriend with a Rimowa suitcase at a cozy European restaurant. The scene then transitions to the couple traveling to Asia to visit her parents, the suitcase still by their side.
The Christmas film tells a heartwarming story of a family’s journey, starting with a grandmother gifting new parents a Rimowa suitcase. As the child grows, we see them traveling through a train station, an airport, and finally standing on a deck overlooking a stunning seaside landscape.
The "New Job" film tells the story of a young architect receiving a Rimowa crossbody bag as a gift while working on a new project. Later, we see him proudly standing in front of his completed architectural masterpiece, the crossbody still by his side.
Vincent Mahe is France-based, known for his beautifully detailed and charming illustrations. Working as an art director on the project, he created the colour palettes and moods for each film, as well as the characters, products and all the small details that give the films life.
Parallel Studio, also based in France, bring their highly technical 2D animation skills and personality flare to this project, with a particular approach to character movement and animation transitions - highlighting small details and movements.